I'm not a fan of gold. While I suppose it looks good on some bikes, I certainly don

't want it on mine. Sadly, the ZRX comes with alot of gold on it. I have my work cut out for me in getting rid of it all. First off, the tank emblem is gold, and there is a pinstrip of gold separating the white and violet stripes on the tail and tank. A quick search on eBay yielded a set of OEM Kawasaki tank decals in black and trip to my local auto parts store netted a roll of 1/4" black pin stripe tape. I removed the gold emblem and replaced it with the black Kawasaki decal. The gold pinstripe took a little more work. It went fairly easily, I placed a small piece of masking tape at the beginning and end of the gold stripes and carefully laid the black 1/4" pinstripe over top the gold. When finished I trimmed the excess black pinstripe at the edge of the masking tape and VOILA! I think it came out great and looks almost stock. I also removed the passenger grab rails leaving two big holes in the tail. I pushed the rear turns

ignal stays through the rear holes and remounted the lights there for now. I found some automotive intake manifold plugs in my toolbox left over from some other project. They were the perfect size to fit in the front holes. Again stop gap measures, but good enough for now. I turned my attention to the rear shock reservoirs with more gold to get rid of. Another trip to the auto parts store, and I picked up a roll of stainless steel rocker panel tape. I measured, cut the tape to fit, wrapped it around the reservoir and no more gold. I'm not totally pleased with how it came out. It looks better that the gold, just not exactly what I wanted. For good measure I wrapped some checkered tape around it too. Gotta have some checkers on

a cafe

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