Thursday, October 15, 2009

Road Trip

I work six days a week. I don't really want to, but it's part of my job requirement. Atleast the bills get paid and I have some extra spending money. I lucked out in July 2009. Independence Day was on a Saturday giving me two days in a row off. My family had left a couple days before the weekend to visit family leaving me alone for about four days. After working Friday, I went home for a good nights sleep and woke up early. When riding, even long distance I believe in traveling light. I grabbed my motorcycle toolbag and my surplus army wool blanket. Inside my blanket I keep an 8'x12' plastic painting drop cloth and I tied the whole thing up a length of parachute cord (perfect for making a lean to or tent shelter). I also travel with a AM/FM/SW transistor radio which tucks into my tool bag. I didn't take anything else that wouldn't fit into my jeans or motorcycle jacket pockets.
I left around 6AM for a 400 mile round trip two day ride to my home town of Altoona, PA. I honestly haven't been back there in over 15 years. I only have distant relatives there who I'm not that close with them anyway. I really had no interest going there. My ride wasn't really about the destination, it was about riding. I rode up in the morning, rode around all day Saturday into the night visiting alot of the place I used to got and hang out as a kid. Hung out in a bar for the most of the night drinking diet cokes. I took a little nap and left for home around 4am. Stopped for breakfast in Breezewood and headed on home. I took these pictures behind an old abandoned next to mercy hospital on Saturday. I think a couple of them looked pretty good and wanted to throw them up here. Will I go back to Altoona? Eh, maybe in another 15 years. HaHaHa.

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